Member-only story
She’s my soulmate not my Sugar Daddy

For richer or for poorer.
In sickness and in health.
Until death do us part.
I married my artist-self; I should have been treating her this lovingly for years. Instead, I’ve spent the time pressuring her to buy me something that raises our status. I’ve flip-flopped between resenting her for withholding, or resenting myself for failing to earn her generosity. I’ve misunderstood our entire relationship. This year, I’m finally seeing it for what it is: she’s my soulmate not my Sugar Daddy.
Elizabeth Gilbert’s teenage promise to her relationship with her craft is far more mature than my adult commitment has been.
“I promised that I would never ask writing to take care of me financially, that I would always take care of it… I would always support us both, by any means necessary.” (Big Magic)
Love, cherish, and support — not bleed, bend, and demand.
Every relationship is a choice remade daily, at minimum. I proposed to my husband, so I had the time to consider both the ask…